The Ventura 2300


Ventura 2300

Your Premium “Pocket Yacht”

Elegant performance under sail and power

Now in Pre-Construction: Orders Being Taken for Fall 2018 Delivery

Now in pre-construction at our factory, the revolutionary design of the Ventura 2300 will offer the complete yachting experience in a single pocket cruiser. Longtime sailors and power boaters alike will love this boat’s sexy, curvilinear form and the seaworthy, planing hull.

Scale model of the Ventura 2300, now in pre-construction.

The Ventura 2300 will truly be “two yachts in one:” Modern computer design and contemporary materials are being used by leading marine architects to create a right-sized, trailerable boat calculated to do a comfortable 25 knots with a 90HP outboard, while offering high-performance sailing, estimated at 9.5 knots offwind, and 6.5 upwind.

We invite you to become one of the first to own a design sure to change the recreational boat industry forever!

Comfort and Style

Comfort and style are just as important to the Ventura 2300 design as speed and agility. The seven-foot cockpit easily seats six adults, and the spacious cabin offers six-foot standing headroom, a full galley, four ample berths, two settees, and a fully-enclosed head with sink: the complete “luxury RV experience” on the trailer,  or out on the water.

The boat will be absolutely right-sized for those who want the double fun of performance sailing and dynamic power boating…anywhere you can find a boat ramp or a dock. Downsizing from a bigger yacht? You will find the “pocket” experience surprisingly roomy. Upscaling from a runabout? Welcome to the joys of a sleep-aboard cabin and onboard head.

Great for New Sailors

New to sailing, but don’t want to take weeks of classes? Our exclusive Sail-A-Matic coded ropes, paired with an innovative user manual, will simplify sailing for newbies, and finally close the knowledge gap between power and sail. Water-tank ballast makes the boat light when trailering, stable when boating. Dual rudders controlled by the easily-handled wheel keep you in control.

Versatile: Land, Sea, Beach

When we first conceived the Ventura 2300, one of our key goals was to expand the range of boating adventures available in a single boat.

You can easily trailer and launch the Ventura 2300 using a standard automobile, and it will be fully beachable. That makes it the perfect boat to explore small lakes, big lakes, any kind of river or bay— even coastal ocean waters—without doubt, the most versatile boat you will ever own.

Set sail…or speed out to your favorite fishing hole with the outboard. Just want to use it as a power boat? The mast and rigging will be easily removed, and you can head out under bridges and through the trees to explore where sailboats cannot tread.

Gorgeous in the Marina

Every feature of this premium yacht has been right-sized and ergonomically-designed for fast setup and ease-of-use.  But like a finely-crafted sports car, the Ventura 2300 will also make you proud in the marina, where she will feel right at home alongside luxury-class yachts.

After all, she will be your very own “pocket yacht”!

Pre-Construction Orders Welcome!

Join the revolution by working directly with our factory! Each Ventura 2300 will be custom-built, tailored exactly to your needs, and delivered worldwide, with initial boats completed in the Fall of 2018.

Contact us to learn more and discover the future of boating fun!


Length Overall…………………………… 7100 mm, 23’

Length Waterline……………………… 6900 mm, 22’6”

Beam……………………………………………. 2500 mm, 8’3”

Draft: Centerboard Down……… 1300 mm, 4’6”

Draft: Centerboard Up…………… 280mm, 11”

Ballast Ratio………………………………. 33%

Ballast: Water……………………………. 300 Kg, 660 lbs

Ballast:  Fixed…………………………….. 100 Kg, 220 lbs

Centerboard Ballast………………… 50 Kg, 110 lbs

Empty Weight……………………………. 1050 Kg, 2350 lbs

Weight With Water Ballast……. 1350 kg, 3000 lbs

Sail Area/100% Fore Triangle.. 280 Sq Ft

SA/Displacement………………………. 20

Fuel Tank…………………………………….. 22 gallons

Fresh Water Tank…………………….. 22 gallons

Displacement/Length Ratio… 90 power, 115 Sail

Positive Stability……………………….. 120 degrees

RM1……………………………………………….. 36 Kgm, 260 Lb.Ft.